About us
What is BStrong Together

Raising happy, healthy children in our complex, rapidly changing, and challenging world can often seem overwhelming. You are not alone.
BStrong Together has been created to support parents, children and youth, community members and others impacting the lives of Barrington area children in our shared goal of raising happy, healthy, resilient, and adaptable children capable of successfully navigating the world of today and the future.
Born out of the missions of three wonderful organizations in the Barrington area – Barrington LEADS, HERE in Barrington, and LINK Barrington – BStrong Together is excited to assume responsibility for existing programs previously overseen by these legacy organizations. But, we are so much more!
By combining the subject matter knowledge, experience, and existing programs of our legacy organizations, we will continue to address the issues that were the focus and mission of our legacy organizations, but will expand beyond these topics to address additional issues in order create a more holistic approach to raising children and supporting families.
With the financial support and partnership of organizations such as Barrington School District 220, Advocate Aurora Good Shepherd Hospital, Ascension Alexian Brothers Behavioral Health Hospital, the Barrington Rotary Clubs and the Barrington Area Chamber of Commerce; grants from St. Michael’s Episcopal Church and the Barrington Junior Women’s Club; local businesses including the law office of Buckley Fine LLC, Barrington Bank & Trust, and many others; as well as partnerships with critical community organizations such as Barrington Youth and Family Services, Samaritan Counseling Center, NAMI Barrington Area, the Barrington Area Library, and others, BStrong Together is uniquely positioned to impact the lives of our community’s children and youth.
As a 501(c)3 organization, donations to BStrong Together are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
To accomplish our goals, BStrong Together:
- plans speaker events and hosts parent coffees as well as other educational opportunities for parents, educators, and community members;
- partners with local experts, organizations and student groups at Barrington High School to provide programs and resources consistent with our mission;
- creates a weekly Tuesday Tips, Tools & Try This email;
- produces expert informational and educational videos;
- creates helpful handouts on a range of topics that can be downloaded and printed;
- maintains very active social media accounts on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
- hosts a robust website with resources on a wide variety of subjects designed to support and provide resources for parents, youth, and community members;
- and more!

Who We Serve
While we define our “service area” as the boundaries of Barrington School District 220, we are a resource and support for ALL parents, students, and community members whether they are directly involved with Barrington School District 220 or not.
Join us in our mission to enhance the lives of Barrington area children and youth in mind, body, and spirit, because we believe that every child deserves a remarkable journey and because we know that alone we are strong, but we are stronger together.
Visit our History page to learn more about the BStrong Together story.