Words Matter

Our words have the power to hurt or to heal, to raise someone up or bring someone down, to encourage, to inspire, even to change the world.
In honor of the 18th annual No Name-Calling Week held January 18th – 22nd, 2021, BStrong Together was honored to partner with Barrington 220, the Barrington Area Library, Courageous Conversations, and Be the Change Barrington for our first community-wide campaign to promote the important message that WORDS MATTER. We continued our efforts in January of 2022 with a similar campaign aimed at encouraging thought, discussion, action and an awareness of the power of our words and how we use them.
To join in the efforts:
- Download and print our Words Matter Family Activities handout (en Espnaol) and complete them to reinforce the power and impact of the words we choose.
- Download and print our 8.5″ x 11″ Words Matter posters designed for kids in either middle/high school or elementary school in English or in Spanish to hang in your own home.
- Check out the 2023 Words Matter Reading List in partnership with the Barrington Area Library. Click here for book descriptions and links to check the books on our Words Matter Reading List from the Barrington Area Library.
- Follow our social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram and Twitter) to support the Words Matter campaign.
Here are additional resources in support of anti-bullying efforts and the power of words:
- The Power of Words article by Brendan McCaughey
- The Power of Words TEDx Talk video by Taylor Bertolini
- Use Your Words to Change the World TEDx Talk video by Emily Hiers
- Students React to Being Called Important – a powerful video that illustrates the power of words
- GLSEN – creators of No Name-Calling Week
- Expert panel video from BStrong Together about anti-bullying efforts in our community following the showing of the IndieFlix documentary film The Upstands (Spanish speaking panel video).
- The Upstanders Tips Sheet (English)
- The Upstanders Tips Sheet (Spanish)
- BStrong Together blog post Building Empathy.