BStrong Together
BStrong Together is a community coalition organization that brings together stakeholders including students, parents, educators, experts, community members and organizations to enhance the health and well-being of Barrington area children and youth in mind, body and spirit from early childhood through high school and beyond.
Knowing that we are stronger together, BStrong was created to support parents, children and youth, community members and others impacting the lives of Barrington area children in our shared goal of raising happy, healthy, resilient, and adaptable children capable of successfully navigating the world of today and the future.

Upcoming Events
QPR Suicide Intervention
& Prevention Training
Wednesay, March 19th
10:00 - 11:30am
Barrington Area Library

Spring Speaker Series
with Dr. Matt Dewar
Wednesday, April 23rd
7:00 - 8:30pm
Barrington Area Library
BStrong Together Programming
We are always busy planning programs and events to support children, youth and families in the Barrington area. Please take 2 minutes to share your ideas for how we can help.